Audiobook Reviews

These audiobook reviews are a reflection of my own journey. Up until my very first audiobook, I had always opted for a paperback. Reading was difficult for me as I’d always fall asleep shortly after starting. And I’d have to carry a book everywhere. So one Christmas, I asked Santa for an Audible subscription. And guess what? On Christmas Day, it arrived in my inbox.

Given that Audible can be downloaded to your phone (our extra appendage), I had it with me everywhere I went. Audible made it easy to take in content… while I was exercising, in the bath, on a long drive or wherever and whenever. A subscription made it more cost effective than paying for a digital copy on top of the extra bonuses you get with one. You also cut down on the clutter, because when you are done reading, you don’t have a book, collecting dust, on a shelf.

If you are a current subscriber of Audible, I commend you on your decision. If you don’t, you can always give it a try. My recommendation to anyone is if you don’t get it for yourself, at least give this as a gift.

Below, I provide a quick review and a link on where you can get a copy. I wish you much success in your journey through life!


This really is a book about a simple path to wealth. In this book, you will learn about building an investment portfolio. By keeping it simple, you basically remove your risk and let the market do its thing. Sometimes it doesn’t look like it, but over time the market trends upward.

If you are still getting your finances in order, once you have set up your emergency fund, this is a great next step towards your financial wellness. Even if you have been investing for a long time, this book brings the idea back down to earth and is a sure reminder that your portfolio doesn’t need to be be filled with a million diversified stocks when there are products that already do that for you.

I’ve purchased the audiobook and have listened to it multiple times. A very easy listen.

The author also provides a website with financial tools. I recommend this book because everyone must learn about investing and this is a great start.


I was on my last credit with Audiobook and I was preparing for a long drive down to Texas at the end of 2022 and I’m so glad I picked this audiobook up.

This was my personal favorite of 2022.

All it takes… is for you or anyone to hear something that gives you the curiosity to take action.

Lots of gold nuggets in this book but my one take away is that it doesn’t take much money to become financially free.

FYI, I didn’t agree with everything that was said in the book, however, I can’t disregard someone else’s personal journey. It was THEIR journey.

This book is for everyone seeking Financial Freedom.


We live in a world of consumerism. In turn that leads us to become pack rats… not necessarily, but for some of us, things becomes unmanageable.

There are many reasons why we hold on to things and a few examples are… we are afraid that it might hurt the person whom gave the item to us, we think we might need it in the future or we hold on to memories through them.

In this book you’ll learn to let go and in return you’re life will change, for the better of course :).

THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg

It’s a book that had been recommended by a mentor of mine who has made millions upon millions through affiliate marketing. Many of my colleagues in the search for success also love this book, be it realtors, insurance agents, marketers etc.

It’s a story about a guy name Joe who is introduced to a man named Pindar, who introduces Joe to his friends, who teach him the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.

When you focus on giving instead of getting and putting others’ interests first and adding value to their lives, amazing things happen.

Definitely a great read and possibly many re-reads for myself, you or anyone. I purchased a used hard-cover from amazon.

This is one of a few books in the series that play on the characters and also build other facets of your business acumen.


I purchased the audiobook version after I had a very tough time solving a problem at work. I spent nearly 3 weeks on a problem and finally resolved it after trying many things. Thoughts about resigning and finding another job filled my head. I felt like I wasn’t worth anything. I reached out for help but didn’t get any other than, “Good Luck!”

It was a very defining moment for myself. Soon after I resolved my issue, those thoughts and feelings slowly faded and on I went to solve the next problem I had.

I definitely recommend, Failing Forward, as it will help you realize all of the thoughts and feelings you had, have or maybe will be going through.

During my listen, I felt the need to go to Chick-Fil-a and get a chicken sandwich. If you’ve purchased it or have read or listened to it, you’ll know exactly why.

A quote I got from listening was, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always got.”

Personally, what I have come to realize a lot of the time is that if you keep at it, the resolution or win is right around the corner. I really mean like right there in your face!

THE 5 SECOND RULE by Mel Robbins

This is one of my favorite audiobooks. I’ve listened to it multiple times.

What is extra special about this is that the author is also the narrator. I love audiobooks like this because the message is coming across by the very one that has all of this knowledge.

What you will get out of this book is plain and simple: Get off your ass and do something.

Many of us struggle with overthinking or being lazy, this won’t allow you to do any of that because at the end of 5-4-3-2-1, you gonna do something.

I’ve been thanked many times for recommending this book, so grab yourself a copy.

What’s also cool is that you can sign up for 31 daily videos of mentoring from her for free…


Very powerful audiobook. My recommendation is that when you listen or read this book, that you participate and practice what is asked.

Talk about breakthrough. Many people say self-help books are just full of fluff and that they can see right through them. I can definitely say that this is not one of them.

Maybe it’s just where I am currently with my mindfulness that this book resonates and touches so many parts as to why I am who I am and why I do what I do.

Full of science, psychology and real world examples… Mind Blowing Stuff!!

$100M OFFERS by Alex Hormozi

If there is a man crush to have then its on this guy, Alex Hormozi.

If you have a business, this is an ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE (where is the supersize fonts button).

The book shares how to make more money in your business through value and not lowering your prices.

He also shares his systems that reiterates and reinforces what you find in the audiobook FOR FREE through his YouTube Channel and Website.

When listening to the audiobook (which is narrated by him) and had a hard time having to put my headphones down to get back to work.

This is a very great introduction to Alex and what he is known for, can’t wait for his next book which is $100M Leads.

BTW, you can get this book on kindle for $0.99.


Wow this book is filled with strategies on how to deal with your stress and anxiety. Learn the 4 A’s, SMART goals, time management, authentic deep relaxation, self scripting, the 5 attitudes and tons of other techniques to help you keep calm, be in control and have the confidence in mastering and overcoming overthinking.

Its a 3 hour audiobook, so it isn’t so long and is a great listen. I have listened to it twice and will listen to it again in the future as needed.

ALCHEMY by Rory Sutherland

This is a 9 hour listen. It’s authored and narrated by Rory Sutherland (who is also is a TED Speaker).

The content is valuable, but I had a hard time getting over the accent.

Loved his sense of humor, sometimes having me choke while sipping my cup o’ tea.

I’m a little over half way done, but I will definitely want to listen to it again.

Basically, what I’m learning is that there is a lot of opportunities to be had by thinking differently.

JUMP by Steve Harvey

A colleague of mine quit our development team to start his own consulting business. I asked him, “What his inspiration was?” and he quickly replied,”Jump!”

If a book can inspire someone to take action on his goals, it must be a good book. Right?!

I remember listening to this Audiobook on my drive down with the family to Marco Island, FL.

Very emotional listen! What a profound impact someone can have when they tell you of their personal story of their trials and tribulations and seeing that they found their light at the end of the tunnel through faith.

You may know Steve Harvey as a comedian, Host of Family Feud or the Host of Miss Universe, but throughout his career, Steve Harvey remains a household name with a lot of class and humility.

“See, in your life, everybody has a turn back moment. You have a moment where you could go forward or you can give up, but the thing you have to keep in mind, before you give up is that, if you give up, the guarantee is it will never happen. That’s the guarantee of quitting. That it will never happen, no way under the sun. The only way the possibility remains that it can happen is if you never give up no matter what. Because God is always coming, He’s never too late.” – Steve Harvey


Click Whirr

OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell

Learn what it takes to be successful. There really isn’t a secret. But as you listen or read this, I hope this will make you aware and mindful of opportunities that will allow you to put yourself in a place where success can be nurtured.


WOW! What a listen. This audiobook is read by John C. Maxwell himself. It’s the 25th Anniversary edition. His voice is so calming.

He had written Failing Forward which was a great audiobook. I decided to pick this up because of the amount of reviews on Amazon. It did not disappoint.

I listened this on my walks and enjoyed every minute of it. It’s value packed with laws that you can apply in life. A definite recommend.

Add this to your list of books in your personal development journey.


With a total runtime of 24 hours plus, you will definitely not finish it in one sitting.

How I consume this book is by listening and letting myself tune in to what I need a reminder of or to consider applying what was said to my life.

I could listen to this over and over and most likely pick up something that I didn’t tune in to before. It’s a very valuable audiobook.

Come to think of it, now I know the value of a kindle book, because you could probably search a book for words. Wow, this was an aha moment for me.

If I try to read, I’ll be asleep in 10 seconds. Audiobooks do allow you the capability to create clips that you can go back to later.

If you have OCD, you may be turned off that the numbering of each entry he announces is not always in sequential order.